Black History Month

we stand with you on blog page

Black History Month serves as a heightened, designated time for the celebration and remembrance of Black lives and the events of the past year have created a unique opportunity for companies to show what ideals truly lie at their foundation.

During a time when it would have been easy to stay silent, Mediavine said We Stand With You. We launched the We Stand With You PSA campaign in June 2020, offering Mediavine publishers the chance to opt in and dedicate their unused ad space towards education for racial justice and equity. But we couldn’t know that creating this initiative would become the starting point for something so much bigger.

Our commitment to diversity and equity has created a space for us to better shine a light on the Black content creators within our growing publisher base.

Living through the past year as a member of the Black community hasn’t been easy. We’ve seen ugly reflections of the past that have made it clear as to why the fight for diversity and equity must go on.

Despite all of this my faith remains, and even when things seem like they’re at their darkest, it’s only a fleeting moment. For light always comes in the morning along with a chance to pivot, a chance to change course and a chance for hope to manifest into reality.

There is always hope.

There is still so much work to be done and it requires everyone. Equity means nothing without unity, and diversity is the first step in that direction.

“We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

The celebration and remembrance of Blackness should span beyond just this month, and I challenge you to find ways to listen, learn, create and manifest equity and diversity within your own lives.

Every Black life known and unknown to you is living, breathing, walking Black History and we, too, should be celebrated.

If you’re a Mediavine publisher reading this post today who wants to contribute, I invite you to consider opting in to the We Stand With You PSAs in your Dashboard. More information and instructions can be found in this PSA Help Doc.

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