COVID-19 PSAs: Help India

Last spring, hot off the heels of the first announcements of lockdowns in the US, Laurence Norah of Finding the Universe asked if it would be possible for Mediavine to donate unused ad impressions to aid COVID-19 charities. Our team was excited to put that into action, and we launched our first PSA campaign on April 7, 2020.
Over a year and multiple Mediavine PSA campaigns later, the pandemic is still very much a thing. There are new surges all over the world, along with mounting concerns about new strains of the virus.
India is currently being hit with a mind-boggling number of cases being reported daily and a severe lack of medical infrastructure to support the surge.
Mediavine publisher Manali Singh of Cook With Manali contacted the Mediavine team to request that we continue to spread awareness about COVID-19, expand our resources page and specifically draw attention to the swell in numbers currently being experienced in one of the most populous countries in the world.
“The situation in India is absolutely heartbreaking right now. India has been reporting close to 300,000 to 350,000 cases everyday (which is the highest single day spike for any country since the Covid outbreak) for the last few days. These are the official numbers, the real numbers are likely much more!
There are no beds available in hospitals, no oxygen, people are dying in ambulances just waiting to get inside the hospital. The past two weeks have been devastating not only for those living in India but also for people like me, who feel helpless living so far away from home. People are trying to seek help online in this crisis, there are requests for meals, oxygen cylinders, ICU beds and social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram have been helpful.
A lot of organizations are trying to help during these scary times and it would be great if all Mediavine Publishers could enable the Covid PSAs on their blogs.
With our collective reach, we can definitely reach out to more people and hopefully help these organizations in collecting more funds for those in need.”
—Manali Singh, Cook With Manali
At Mediavine, we believe that our publishers’ reach is a superpower. With it, we can do a lot of good.
To date, Mediavine has served 6.6 billion impressions for COVID-19 relief. With our publishers’ help, that number will continue to grow.
In response to the urgent need, we have added more UN creatives for the COVID-19 PSA series and included all new, vetted India-specific resources to our COVID-19 Resources page. This includes Manali’s personal choice for organizations providing relief to India during the COVID-19 surge they are experiencing, Give India.
Give India runs a variety of campaigns, including supplying lifesaving oxygen to patients in need, supplying food to families experiencing food insecurity due to the pandemic and more.
If you haven’t yet opted in to the COVID-19 PSAs, we hope that you’ll click that little toggle on your Dashboard today. Not only are you helping a great cause, but it helps create a more visually appealing experience for your readers and helps optimize ads for CLS, too.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult time for many. But together, we’re stronger. And together, we can continue to make a difference.
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