Shining a Light on No Kid Hungry’s Rebuilding Campaign

children biting into apples

Hello! My name is DJ Flores. I’m a software engineer here at Mediavine, a member of the Shine committee and I’ve been here for a little over three years. Helping give back to communities and families in need has always been a big passion of mine. 

dj headshot

Growing up in a low income household myself, I know firsthand the toll it can take on a family when worrying about when and how they’ll receive their next meal. Being able to relate from a personal standpoint is just one of many reasons why I’m excited Mediavine is partnering with No Kid Hungry to help promote their new Rebuilding campaign. 

No Kid Hungry is doing amazing work by ensuring children aren’t going unfed, especially during this ongoing pandemic. 

Unfortunately, local and federal government assistance programs don’t always help meet the needs of every individual. No Kid Hungry has largely stepped up in this regard, and now our publishers can, too.

There are numerous ways you can get behind No Kid Hungry’s mission right now. By opting into its PSAs (if you haven’t already done so), you are helping raise awareness so that many more children receive the nutrition they need to survive and thrive. 

The collection of No Kid Hungry Rebuilding campaign ads.

If you’d like to take a further step of involvement, you can make a donation to No Kid Hungry or dine and shop with more than 50 brands who are in direct support of the organization. 

View the participating restaurants before you grab your next takeout! 

For the Rebuilding campaign, No Kid Hungry commissioned five beautiful murals across the country that each depict a real story of a child who faced hunger during the pandemic and how they were able to rise above it. 

In conjunction with the murals, No Kid Hungry also produced a mini docu-series with episodes featuring those children and their families. By watching those episodes and/or sharing with your peers, you are able to further education surrounding this prominent cause and understand real stories.

No Kid Hungry has even put together an amazing Social Media Tool Kit with ready-made, perfectly-sized graphics for all of us to share on our favorite networks, from Facebook and LinkedIn to Instagram Stories and Twitter. 

Ending childhood hunger is an important issue for not only Shine but for Mediavine as a company because most people can relate or are aware on some level of the crisis that is child hunger. 

Many employees and publishers are parents, and some have even experienced similar issues. By supporting No Kid Hungry, we’re hoping to bring change and awareness through our PSAs and help the Rebuilding campaign be seen far and wide. 

The brighter of a light we can help shine on this campaign, the closer we are to helping families struggling to recover from this pandemic.

How can content creators help today?

Mediavine and Shine are spearheading some amazing movements in the ad tech industry. One of the great things about our PSAs is that you can literally opt into every single one of them, and our ad servers will do the work to distribute them evenly on blogs when they appear.

If you, as a Mediavine publisher, have already opted in to the original No Kid Hungry PSA, there’s nothing else you need to do to get these fantastic new PSAs for the Rebuilding campaign. 

If you haven’t yet opted in, now is the time! You’ll be sharing both the original No Kid Hungry message as well as the new Rebuilding campaign that runs from August 26th through October 8th. 

In case you need a quick refresher on how to opt in to PSA ads in the Mediavine Dashboard, here’s a step-by-step:

Step by step visual instructions for enabling PSA ads

I’m personally honored and excited to be a part of the No Kid Hungry Rebuilding campaign. I’m looking forward to all of the future Shine campaigns we’ll get to share with everyone, but let’s start by opting into the No Kid Hungry campaign today!

Find No Kid Hungry on social media:




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